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Oficinas CBRE

How to increase the visibility of the brand and convert users into customers thanks to local searches.

1Oficinas CBRE - Properties Search Engine for Sale and Rent

CBRE Richard Ellys The number one consulting firm in the world of Real Estate services and solutions


2Challenge – Redesign the property search engine

The search engine of the portal for office sale and rental did not manage to respond adequately to the queries of the users, which affected the conversions when the user was returned poorly tuned results. That had to change.


3Strategy - Analysis and redesign

We started collecting information through usability analysis and heat maps, thus having a real approximation of the user's behavior once a search was launched.

Through WPO and torture tests we reached the conclusion that we should define the fields of the search engine in a more efficient and friendly way, reorganizing and expanding the most relevant filters and search criteria in a non-intrusive way.

The results page should add value to these, so we decided to integrate a map that would locate each property, thus obtaining a initial 360º view of each offered result.

We managed to find the way to compose a product file that would show as much information in the smallest possible space considering mobile traffic.


4Results - Improvement in web traffic and transactions

By working on concrete data and focusing the project in the right direction, we manage to meet the expectations and obtain the results we wanted

With the restructuring of the content and the improvement of cross-platform usability, we managed to reduce the load time by 8 seconds and significantly increase organic traffic to the web, also, the metrics related to the quality of these visits improved, as the permanence time increased by 55% and a 22% decrease in rebound users, as well as an increase of 30% in recurring users.


seconds on page loading times


decrease in rebound users


increase on user's permanence time


increase in recurring users

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